Our Story
CNL brings people together to act on climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). We focus on practical strategies like promoting the use of renewable energy instead of fossil fuels; using natural systems to absorb carbon emissions; improving energy efficiency; and expanding organic waste composting. We help the local community prepare for the impacts of climate change by advocating for measures to mitigate the social, psychological, and economic risks of extreme weather and the loss of nature.
The residents, institutions, and businesses of the County of Lanark and Smiths Falls are fully committed to building a net-zero-GHG emissions future. We will thrive in a healthy and resilient community that adapts to a changing climate while valuing and preserving the natural ecosystems on which all life depends.
What We Stand For
CNL recognizes that local action based on respectful dialogue and finding common ground is essential to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to extreme weather arising from historical emissions.
CNL believes that climate change policy coordinated across all levels of government is vital for effective action at the local level.
CNL values science-based evidence and traditional indigenous knowledge as critical in addressing climate change.
CNL believes all people have the right and responsibility to participate in addressing climate change. To that end, we develop, coordinate, facilitate, initiate, and support information exchange and collaborative action.
CNL actively encourages the participation of youth, as the generation with the most at stake in successful efforts to reduce GHGs and adapt to a changing climate.
CNL is committed to transparency and reporting publicly on the performance of the solutions we support.
To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55% by 2030 to keep within the 1.5C increase beyond which we risk run-away climate change.
To determine priorities and implement action plans for moving forward to address climate change.
To educate all segments of our communities on the local and broader impacts and solutions for climate change.
To develop partnerships and expert resources to develop local solutions.
To cultivate, engage, and support volunteers in community action on the environment.
To create and manage the Network to engage, enable, and support broad-based community actions.

Meet the Co-Founders
Gord and Sue had a vision of a more climate-friendly Lanark County.
Before moving to Port Elmsley 25 years ago, Sue was a specialist energy writer and the volunteer manager of the Coalition for a Green Economic Recovery. She co-authored the underground bestseller, Get A Life! She became the general manager of REAL, delivering programs that helped local residents improve their energy efficiency, naturalize their yards and shorelines, manage their wells and septic systems and reuse goods when she established the REAL Deal Reuse Store. Sue wrote Tay Valley Township’s Climate Action Plan. Sue grew up mainly in Shawville, Quebec
As an environmental educator and animator, my career spanned 47 years, working with teachers, students and communities to develop a deeper understanding of environmental and climate issues and solutions and to engage in deep action for change. When I retired, I felt discouraged and depressed with the climate crisis—recognizing that taking action was the best antidote, I connected with Sue to form what is now CNL. I live with Claudia in Lanark Highlands where we cultivate a connection to the land. Creating art in the woods, canoeing, singing and snowshoeing in the moonlight keeps me grounded and vital.