Lanark County’s champion in advancing Nature-Based Climate Solutions, particularly the protection of wetlands.

Nature and Climate Disruption

Nature-Based Climate Solutions are actions to protect, manage, and restore nature to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and at the same time, reverse wildlife decline.

Nature-Based Climate Solutions (NBCS)—especially wetlands—play a key role in action on climate change, sequestering carbon and providing adaptation against the extremes of weather.

Wetlands sequester carbon—two to five times as much as forests and other ecosystems. Specifically, wetlands in southern Ontario have stored approximately 1,200 tonnes/hectare of organic carbon. (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto, 2018)

You can find the CNL Workshop from May 8th, 2024 summary here. CNL collaborated with local conservation authorities and organizations to create a workshop for County Counclliors on Natural Heritage Systems and why Lanark needs an NHS Plan.

CNL’s comprehensive three-pronged approach to advancing NBCS:

  1. Foster public awareness and understanding of NBCS and engage the community.

  2. Support local municipalities in developing official plan policies to protect nature, including building capacity for mature-sensitive development—supporting both municipal councilors and staff.

  3. Support landowners in valuing and protecting natural features.

  • Algonquin to Adirondacks Collaborative

    Alternative Land Use Services-Lanark (MVCA)

    Carleton Place Urban Forest Committee

    County of Lanark

    Ducks Unlimited

    Friends of the Tay Watershed

    Lanark County Stewardship Council

    Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust

    Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority

    Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists

    Nature Canada

    Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

    Tay Valley Township

    The Land Between

    Watersheds Canada