Do you want to make a difference in Lanark County?

Fill out our volunteer form below and we’ll be in touch! Some of the positions that are currently open are listed below. If one or more of those interests you, please select those options on the form. If you would like to keep your options open, please select the appropriate response.


Help CNL raise capital and research grant opportunities.

Social Media Creators:

Are you interested in designing engaging social media content? Your role would be to transform information into relevant and digestible content while keeping the algorithm in mind.

Live Events Team:

Be a member of our events team! You will have the opportunity to volunteer at live events CNL attends.

Volunteer with Climate Network Lanark

* indicates required
Are you interested in the open positions?
Are You Interested in Joining a Working Group? *
What is your Monthly Availability? *
This is an estimate to see how many people we need for tasks
If Yes, Please Select your Preferred Groups