Working Groups

CNL Working Groups are a good way to get involved in local climate action

Current Working Groups

Buildings and Transportation:

We Work with other public and private agencies in the areas of energy generation and use, and transportation, to help make Lanark County and region net-zero carbon by 2050.


To inform and engage the populace of Lanark County and Smiths Falls in the effects of climate change on our region and to motivate them around the actions we can and are taking to cut carbon emissions and adapt to the climate catastrophe locally.

Waste Reduction and Composting

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from organic matter in landfills, targeting residents, businesses, institutions, and municipal governments through educating, promoting, advocating, and supporting backyard composting and municipal programs.


We collaborate with farmers and governments to find, advocate for, and facilitate the implementation of agricultural practices that improve soil health, food security, and food sovereignty in Lanark County.

Local Government

We strive to develop and deliver substantive climate mitigation and adaptation actions that halve local greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and build on our region’s dynamic embrace and advocacy of sustainable practices.

Youth Climate Action

We aim to challenge how we understand and act on climate change issues to make meaningful and empowering differences within our communities. Through youth-led projects, we work collaboratively toward solving environmental and sustainability issues our communities face.

Fill out our Volunteer form if you’re interested in joining a Working Group