by Gord Harrison

Natural Systems for Climate Action

CNL has been a proponent of Nature Based Solutions from the get-go— Nature-Based Climate Solutions (NBCS) take advantage of nature’s systems to provide multiple economic, environmental, and social benefits, particularly those that address the twin crises of climate change, by increasing carbon storage or avoiding GHGs, and biodiversity loss and species collapse.

Municipalities daily make decisions that could enhance or undermine NBCS—a decision to allow development that would drain a wetland or a decision to see the wetland protected as part of a larger system. What’s needed are robust policies in municipal official plans that protect these systems. Municipalities have the tools for this, particularly Natural Heritage Systems (NHS) plans that form a key component of their official plans.

CNL has been advocating to the County to develop a strong NHS plan and implement it. Our May workshop for Councillors on a NHS plan was well received and laid the groundwork. In December, CNL presented to County Council on the importance of engaging the community in developing a NHS plan. This was coordinated with County staff who presented on the same night a workplan for developing a NHS plan.

CNL’s presentation provided four cases studies, each highlighting how groups in a community with very diverse agendas met to discover common ground and develop consensus on solid Recommendations.

CNL presented on behalf of seven other organizations: Algonquin to Adirondacks Collaborative, Friends of Lanark Highlands, Friends of the Tay Watershed, Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust, Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists, The Land Between and Watersheds Canada. This collaboration represents several thousand voices in support of Nature Based Solutions through a strong county-wide Natural Heritage Systems plan. Going forward, this collaboration of community groups will be essential in making community input into the plan and in monitoring its implementation.

Many have helped CNL shape its thinking and work on NBCS; in particular a big thank you to Paul Lehman and Noelle Reeve for their advice, input, insights and support for our campaign to have the County develop a NHS plan.

A robust NHS plan benefits all my relations.