Hi Friend,
With October behind us and the municipal election completed, we would like to congratulate the new councils in our Lanark County municipalities. As a network, we are committed to working alongside municipal leadership to ensure our community is prepared and committed to working on climate change issues. While the election may be done, our work has just begun with the new council members! This month has been busy for us, but we have some great progress to report on in this issue!
With that being said, this month has also presented some challenges for environmental conservation in Ontario. Specifically with the introduction of Bill 23 under the Ford provincial government. As conservation of wetlands and forests are key in our climate action efforts, CNL has been brainstorming and collaborating with other environmental non-profits to decide on our action against this bill. Conservation authorities are incredibly important in climate action and mitigation. The mission of conservation is in the interest of both human and environmental health, as these two aspects are deeply interconnected with one another. Stay connected with us this coming month as we roll out our plan of action against this bill. To learn more about this situation check out this article published by The Narwhal
Almost a year after the launch of ALUS- Lanark (Alternative Land Use Services), there is a lot of progress that has been made. In this issue we will provide some background and updates on how the soft launch of this program is going here in Lanark County. As CNL has played a key part in initiating this amazing program in Lanark County, we are happy to see the advancements that have been made so far. We also have additional updates regarding the Climate Action Tables produced by CNL and the county. These documents have been adopted by the county and are instrumental in the implementation of a county wide Climate Action Plan. To learn more about this check out our Lanark County Climate Update section.
Make sure to read up on our Helpful Resources, Learning and Events, and Actions You Can Take this month!
Thank you for the continued support and interest in our local organization.
The Climate Network Lanark Team
In this Issue:
ALUS-Lanark Update
CNL Update
Lanark County Climate Update
Events and Learning
Helpful Resources
Local Climate Action in the News
Actions You Can Take
1. Alternative Land Use Service (ALUS)- Lanark Update
Since 2019, CNL has worked closely with the county to bring ALUS (Alternative Land Use Service) to Lanark County. ALUS is a charitable organization supporting community-developed and farmer-delivered programs to produce, enhance, and maintain ecosystem services on agricultural lands. The project target areas are marginally productive, inefficient to farm, or environmentally sensitive areas. Projects carried out under ALUS can include wetland restoration and enhancement, riparian buffers, shelterbelts, and afforestation. These ecosystems are critical to provide cleaner water and air, habitat, carbon sequestration, and climate resiliency. CNL has played an integral role in the initiation of this partnership through facilitating research, education and information sessions, and public consultation between stakeholders (farmers, conservation authorities, and county government). As an organization, helping to launch ALUS in Lanark County has been one of our greatest successes, with the potential to have enormous benefits for our local environment, climate, and citizens.
Although ALUS is still in the early stages of establishment in Lanark County, a Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC) consisting of 7 people has been formed. This PAC includes farmers from different agricultural backgrounds, and the county’s Climate Environmental Coordinator Michelle Vala. ALUS-Lanark is administered by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) and the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA). As part of the soft launch, ALUS- Lanark is now featured on the ALUS, RVCA, and MCVA websites.
Some of the main goals set out by ALUS-Lanark for 2022 include the creation of 2 new acres of wetlands, and enhancing 5 acres of existing wetlands. The construction of the 2 new wetlands, in partnership with Ducks Unlimited, are being created near 2 livestock operations. These wetlands are fenced off from the livestock operations to ensure long term success of the man made wetlands. Construction of one wetland has been completed and construction of the second is currently underway as of September 2022.
The wetland enhancement project is currently focused on a large wetland located on a livestock farm located off the Rideau River. This area is of particular interest as it is in a Source Water Intake Protection Zone for the town of Smiths Falls. This area is currently fenced off from livestock in partnership with the Rural Clean Water Program. RVCA will be creating a planting plan for this area to enhance the 47 acres of existing wetland and creek.
The ecosystem services created in the partnership between ALUS and farmers will increase Lanark County’s ability to store and sequester carbon, helping us to reach GHG reduction targets. CNL will provide updates on the launch of ALUS as it progresses.
2. CNL Update
We Want You! For the CNL Board of Directors!
Are you interested in helping shape the future of climate action here in Lanark County? Then we want you for our board of directors! We are currently looking for people driven to create positive change in our communities through climate action.
Currently recruiting for:
If you, or someone you know is interested in joining our board please reach out to We are looking for people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to contribute to our organization and help meet our climate goals in Lanark County.
3. Lanark County Climate Update
YAHOO!!!! – County Council adopted the Corporate and Community Climate Action Tables at its Oct. 12 meeting. These tables form the core of our common Climate Action Plan for the County, the lower-tiers and residents, businesses, and organizations. See them here:
Climate Initiatives Dashboard for Lanark County
Corporate Climate Action Table
Community Climate Action Table
This is an enormous achievement – for the County, for our citizens and for CNL. With half of our climate changing gases within our local control, three years ago, Climate Network Lanark advocated for the County Council to embark on such a plan. With unanimous approval they did and created a Climate Action Committee. CNL advised on the composition, bringing key citizen reps to the table, including two seats for CNL. The committee has been developing the Action Tables over the past 16 months. CNL brought numerous actions forward from its Working Groups and brought experts from across Ontario to the committee. Virtually all our recommendations were incorporated in the Tables and many Councillors have noted the Tables would not be as comprehensive without CNL’s contributions.
Implementing Actions- November Workshop Series
Now the real work begins in implementing the Actions. CNL is already implementing some actions, and planning for others. Here’s a lineup of some free workshops hosted by Lanark County that will allow you to learn about climate action.
How to Take Climate Action at Home (ONLINE) – November 22nd @ 10:30am
Includes information on improving home energy efficiency, tiny home energy efficient design, how to manage food waste and ShareWaste application, and electric vehicles.
Intro to Sustainable Agriculture (ONLINE) – November 24th @ 2pm
Learn more about local programs and grants through ALUS Lanark, Rural Clean Water program, the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association, Cleanfarms agricultural materials recycling and benefits of fungal dominant composting.
Learn about Climate Action in Lanark County and How to Take Action (HYBRID) – Nov. 29, 5 – 6:30pm
For this one, tune in online or better join in person at the Lanark County Council Chambers at 99 Christie Lake Road, Perth. This will be a great opportunity to talk with County staff and members from Climate Network Lanark on a variety of climate actions. CNL will have tables where you can learn more about backyard composting, ShareWaste, Fungal Dominant Compost, Wetlands (and their specific climate role in Lanark County), cover cropping, and about CNL’s Climate Concierge program designed to help residents engage with electrifying their homes, cutting the GHG’s, and moving to Electric Vehicles.
To register for a seminar please email or call 613-267-1353.
Also, to note, the new County Council has its Inaugural meeting on Nov. 22 and its first full meeting on Nov. 23. We’ll find out who the new Warden is and about the continuation of the Climate Action Committee.
4. Events and Learning
November 5th- Constellations, Frontenac Arch Biosphere 7:30pm to 9:15pm, Click HERE to learn more
November 7th- Lanark County Climate Action Committee Meeting- Lanark County Administrative Building, Council Chambers 10:00 AM- To attend contact the Clerk Jasmin Ralph at
November 7th- Bait and Switch: Understanding Bill 23, The 'More Sprawl, Fewer Wetlands' Act Click HERE to learn more
November 8th- Local writer/activist Helen Forsey Book Reading and Q&A @ Perth Library on Tuesday November 8 from 3-4pm
November 17th- Understanding Your Renovation Upgrade Report, Sustainable Kingston- 6:00- 7:00 PM, Online (map) Click HERE to learn more
November 17th- Implementing the Hydrogen Economy 2022- Virtual (Nov 17-18), Click HERE to learn more
November 22nd- Online Knowledge Dialogue: “Applying Indigenous Knowledge in Water Management: Models of Best Practices”, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, 11:00AM Click HERE to learn more
November 22nd- How to Take Climate Action at Home (ONLINE)- 10:30am, to register email or call 613-267-1353
November 24th- Intro to Sustainable Agriculture (ONLINE) – Nov. 24 @ 2pm, to register email or call 613-267-1353
November 25th- Ecological Grief Part 2, Sustainable Eastern Ontario- Click HERE to learn more
November 29th- Learn about Climate Action in Lanark County and How to Take Action (HYBRID) 5 – 6:30pm, Lanark County Council Chambers at 99 Christie Lake Road, Perth, To register email or call 613-267-1353
5. Helpful Resources
En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator
Provided to us by a CNL member and volunteer Anita Payne, take a moment to check out the En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator. This tool provides policymakers, educators, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to test and explore cross-sector climate solutions.
The view the tool Click HERE
To learn more about how to use these tools can sign up for a FREE training session CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP
To watch the training video and learn more about En-ROADS tool CLICK HERE
Join the New
Built for sustainable tourism businesses in the Greater Frontenac Arch Biosphere (FAB), FAB Experiences Platform will showcase sustainable tourism business, experiences and attractions. Encompassing the Counties of Frontenac, Lanark and Leeds-Grenville, our community assets are integrated within a model destination for sustainable tourism for residents of our region, fellow Canadians, and visitors from around the globe.
To learn more about this visit
ShareWaste- Give your waste a second chance!
To sign up for FREE visit: and follow the instructions.
Select if you are a donor, host, business, or cafe
Create an account using an email address and your first name
Edit your profile by putting your name, about yourself, location, and email address
As a host let people know what kind of organic scraps you are looking for (ie.fruits, veggies, paper, leaves) and what you are not looking for (ie. meat, oils)
As a donor let people know what kind of organic waste you are offering
To look for compost in your area, visit the listing map and see how close your nearest compost donor or host is.
Click on the icon on the map to see what kind of compost is being offered, is needed, or what kind of compost is not accepted
Reach out to the donor or host that fits your organic waste requirements and arrange pick up or drop off
Voila! You have successfully helped the planet!
The great thing about this platform is that it increases accessibility to compost in both rural and town settings in our county. One person's trash is another person's treasure! In this case the treasure is creating nutrient-rich soil while reducing greenhouse gas emissions!
6. Local Climate Action in the News
Director of CNL Sue Brandum and CNL Board Chair Scott Hortop sit down with Lake 88.1’s Lynda D’Aoust to talk about the power of composting
Check out the November issue of The Humm and learn from Chandler Swain and Sue Brandum about composting as an easy and cost effective way to help our warming planet.
Preparing Your House for Winter with Energy Savings in Mind
In Lanark County, 34% of the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) produced come from buildings. Deep retrofits are incredibly important for making our homes more comfortable, efficient, and reducing our GHG emissions in Lanark County. A deep retrofit is a complete overhaul of a building that aims to reduce and improve heat loss and energy consumption. These retrofits involve updating components such as windows, heating systems, energy sources, and insulation in walls and roofs. Retrofitting is not a cheap expenditure, but there are ways to offset these costs. If you are interested in doing some deep retrofits to your home the federal government has a program called the Canada Greener Homes Initiative that can assist with providing some financial assistance. The County can also offer financial assistance with retrofitting (Renovate Lanark). These retrofits are worth it for long term savings on energy and heat.
In the meantime, here are some tips to prepare your home for the cold days and nights of our Canadian winters.
Before winter, make sure that your windows are locked shut ensuring that they are sealed properly.
If your windows are old, you can purchase a window insulator kit at your local hardware store. These kits are easy to use, and only require a heat gun or a blow dryer to apply
Curtains also can be effective at breaking draughts that come from windows
Keep your damper closed on your fireplace when not in use
Outlets and Light Switches
Check around outlets of exterior walls for draughts, draughts that come from outlets can be air sealed using caulking or foam, consult an electrician before doing any electrical work.
Putting blankets or towels under the bottom of your exterior door can cut draughts that may come in under the door. You can also purchase door snakes at various retail stores that accomplish the same goal.
Check weather stripping of exterior doors to ensure that contact is made with the frame of the door
Ensure ducts and returns are not covered by rugs, couches, or other furniture
Setting the temperature of your house slightly lower at night, or when you aren’t in the house
Ensure your furnace filter is clean, dirty filters restrict airflow making your furnace work harder thereby requiring more energy
Reverse your ceiling fan to push the warm air down from the ceiling